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Whiplash Claims

What is whiplash?

Whiplash is a soft tissue injury which occurs when the neck / spine goes beyond its typical range of movement – for example if it is overstretched or strained – usually as a result of the neck / spine being suddenly jolted.  When people think of whiplash there is a tendency to relate it to car accidents; but it can also occur during other activities such as sports.

Do I have whiplash?

The most common symptom of whiplash is a tenderness and stiffness in your neck.  It could be accompanied with headaches, pins and needles and pains in your back and shoulders.  These symptoms are not normally noticeable immediately after your accident; they usually develop within half a day to two days or so after the incident.

If you believe you may be suffering from whiplash the best thing you can do is consult a medical expert who can diagnose you and advise you as to the best course of action.  In many cases you will probably be provided with painkillers which should ease your suffering, but it may be that you are required to attend a physiotherapist or a chiropractor.

How long does whiplash last for?

Well, it really depends on the severity of the incident that caused your whiplash, and it can differ from person to person.  At The Injury Lawyers we always advise our clients that whiplash is a terribly unpredictable injury and it is hard to put a precise time on your recovery period.  It is not actually uncommon either for a doctor to tell you that he believes you will be recovered in six months and to find that you are still suffering after that six month period.

Can I be compensated for my whiplash injury?

If you were involved in an accident which was not your fault and it caused your whiplash injury, it is highly likely that you will be able to obtain compensation for your pain and suffering.  At The Injury Lawyers we are independent experts in the field of personal injury law and deal with whiplash claims on a daily basis.  If you believe you have a potential claim then get in touch today and we can provide you with some free legal advice.

Can I get free treatment?

At The Injury Lawyers we are able to provide our clients with free treatment such as physiotherapy, or chiropractic, or osteopathic treatment.  We can get this arranged right at the very beginning of your claim and we can guarantee that we will not charge you for this treatment.  Instead of waiting on an NHS waiting list, which could take you months to get seen, why not give The Injury Lawyers a call today and see if we can help you out with treatment right away? Importantly, by getting yourself treated faster you are showing the other side, who will ultimately be paying your compensation, that you are trying your best to aid your recovery, maximising your potential compensation.

At The Injury Lawyers we are whiplash claims experts.

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