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Accidents on a Night Out

If you have had an accident in an evening out venue that was not your fault, and you suffered injury as a result, you may have a claim for compensation.

There are a number of ways an accident can occur in a venue – I have listed some of the more common types of accidents below:

  1. Slipping on a spillage that was negligently left uncleaned.
  2. Tripping on an item negligently left in a walkway.
  3. Getting shards of broken glass stuck in your foot.
  4. Accidents arising from the venue being overcrowded and over capacity.

Whatever the accident you have had in a venue it is brought as an Occupier’s Liability Claim.  There are two different Occupier’s Acts in place now – it is the Occupier’s Liability Act 1957 which would be relevant in this case as it is this act which offers protection to the ‘lawful visitors’ of premises rather than trespassers with which the other act deals with.  The act states that the Occupier has a duty to ensure its visitors will be reasonably safe when visiting its premises. Contrary to how the name sounds, an Occupier need not actually occupy the premises as such; an occupier is simply the person(s) who have overall physical control over the premises.

Many people with claims arising from a night out tend to worry that due to them consuming alcohol before the accident occurred it means that they would not have a claim. This is not necessarily true and our advice is that if you do not try you will never know. Firms such as The Injury Lawyers offer free claims assessments, so it seems you have nothing to lose by getting some free legal advice and assessing your options.

If you are in the above position, you should look to seek legal advice. However with the seas of law firms and referral agencies out there vying for business we appreciate that it can be difficult to make an educated decision as to who to choose.

At The Injury Lawyers we offer the following benefits to our clients:

    • 100% compensation – we do not deduct anything from our client’s compensation.
    • No costs for you to pay – win or lose the claim our client’s do not have to pay us a penny and this is reflected in our no win no fee agreement.
    • High service standards – we offer extremely high client care standards whereby we update our clients every 14 days and return their calls and e-mails within 24 hours.


  • >Medical package– we are able to arrange private medical treatment at no cost to our clients – this includes physiotherapy, osteopathy and chiropractic assistance.


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