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Who do you go to with your Personal Injury Claim?

So – you are in a situation where you have had an accident that was not your fault, and you feel that you may have a claim for compensation; but where do you go with your claim?

You can probably guess that in the following blog I will include a lot of positives about the service we offer here at The Injury Lawyers; but apart from informing you of the positives of our firm, I wish to give you a concise guide to choosing the right law firm for you.

Go direct to a law firm…

I say go directly to a law firm as there are many referral agencies out there vying for your business. Referral agencies can at first glance seem like law firms themselves – however, they act as middlemen by selling your claim on to law firms who can pay as much as £800 for it. By paying for claims, law firms essentially are taking a cut in the profits from the outset, and in order to redress this balance many law firms can work less on your claim, meaning you get can end up with a poorer service.

But which law firm to choose…?

So, we have established that going directly to a law firm is beneficial. But which law firm do you choose out of the huge numbers out there? Well, I have set out below some benefits that you can look out for when choosing firms:

100% of your compensation: At The Injury Lawyers we always guarantee that our clients receive 100% of their compensation, with no deductions, and no hidden charges to pay.  In stark contrast to this I have heard stories of some law firms telling their clients that, should they win their claim, they will take 25% of their compensation – compensation is meant to put you back in the position you would have been had you not suffered the accident – if your solicitor takes a portion of this it negates the whole reason for it.

No costs for you to pay: this should be the case whether your claim wins or loses, and should be reflected in the terms of your no win no fee agreement.

High service standards: At The Injury Lawyers we are proud to say that we have policies in place to update our clients every 14 days and return client calls and e-mails within 24 hours if not on the same day. These are good examples of policies that should be in place at the law firm you choose in order to guarantee that you will receive a good service.

Medical Package: At The Injury Lawyers, we can arrange treatment such as physiotherapy, osteopathy, and chiropractic assistance right from the outset of your claim at no cost to you.

If you require any further information about the services we offer here at The Injury lawyers feel free to give us a call.

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