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Making a Road Accident Claim – The process

Claiming for compensation where you have been injured in a relatively minor road traffic accident can be quite a straightforward and fast process.  A couple of years ago your claim could have taken well over six months; but, since April 2010 the time taken to get your compensation is now estimated at a couple of months.  This is because a new protocol for low value personal injury claims arising from road traffic accidents has been introduced which has considerably speeded up the compensation process for any accidents occurring on or after 30th April 2010.

Once you have instructed a quality and expert injury lawyer who regularly deals with road traffic accident claims, and has years of experience with winning them, a Claim Notification Form will be submitted online on your behalf to the other side’s insurers.  The Claim Notification Form is a straightforward document which notes your details, the details of the vehicles involved, outlines the accident and the injuries you received as a result, and the reasons why we are alleging fault for a claim.  If you are unsure how to complete this at any time, do not worry – your injury lawyer will be on hand to help you and guide you through filling it in.  Once completed, it is submitted electronically to the other side who have one business day to acknowledge receipt.

Once the other side’s insurers receive the Claim Notification Form they are allowed a period of 15 business days in which to formally admit or deny liability.  At The Injury Lawyers we only take on claims we genuinely believe will be successful, so in this 15 day period we fully expect an admission of liability.  What’s better, even though the other side have 15 days to respond, they could well admit liability within 1 or 2 days, meaning you are even closer to quickly obtaining the compensation you deserve.  Under the old system, the other side had a period of 21 days to acknowledge your claim and then a further 3 months to investigate it.  Now, they have just over two weeks to admit or deny liability.  This is why your claim for compensation is far from arduous and can be over in a few short simple weeks.

When liability is admitted, the next stage is for you to attend a medical appointment with an appropriate expert who will compile a medico-legal report for you.  This will demonstrate that the injuries you have sustained arise from your accident, and it will also provide a prognosis as to when you should expect to recover, and comment on the sort of treatment you may need to help you recover.  With your permission, this is disclosed to other side, and your injury lawyer will negotiate the best settlement for your compensation that they possibly can.  Getting the medical report and negotiating settlement should not take too long, meaning that you could be compensated in a matter of a few months.

Contact The Injury Lawyers today if you believe you may have a claim for compensation.  We are always on hand to provide you with some free expert legal advice.

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