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Road Accident Compensation Claims

In most cases, making a claim for compensation for the injuries you have suffered out of a relatively minor road traffic accident is actually a quite straightforward and fast process.  At The Injury Lawyers we are well aware of a perception that some people hold that claiming for compensation takes years and years and is ultimately not worth the hassle.  Yes, we admit that there are some claims that do take a couple of years; however, most straightforward road traffic accidents are settled within a few months or less.  If you think you have a claim for compensation arising from a road traffic accident, please do not be put off – it’s easy, especially when you instruct a quality injury lawyer.

The first step of your road traffic accident is to complete what is known as a ‘Claim Notification Form’.  Your injury lawyer will take you through this – it is again straightforward.  We just collate the details of your accident, get you to sign the form and then submit it electronically to the other side.

Once your Claim Notification Form is submitted the other side have 1 business day in which to acknowledge it and then a further 15 business days to investigate your accident and come back with an admission or denial of liability.  Just because they have 15 days does not mean it will necessarily take this long – they could well admit liability within a day, and it really does depend on the efficiency of the other side.  One thing for sure though is that it should not take months to resolve.  Under previous law the other side could take nearly 4 months to come back to you with their position on liability – now they have roughly 3 weeks.  Who said claiming for compensation still takes ages?

Where liability is admitted we will nominate a medical expert to examine you and to compile a medico-legal report for you.  This will take place at a time and place convenient for you and should be arranged swiftly.  Once we get the medical report back we will have a look over it, advise you on the contents, and then ask that you approve it so that we can disclose it to the other side and get your compensation agreed.  We use your medical report to value your claim, as does the other side.

At The Injury Lawyers we fight tooth and nail for the maximum compensation you deserve in the quickest time possible.  Most road traffic accidents do not take that long to get settled at all, so there is no need to worry about a potentially arduous process.

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident through no fault of your own and you wish to make a claim for compensation, The Injury Lawyers are on hand between 9am and 10pm each day to discuss your claim.  Why not give us a call for free today for a quick no obligations chat?

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