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Work Accident Compensation Claims

OK – so you have had an accident at work and you want to know if you are entitled to make a make a claim for compensation. Well, here is a quick guide to fill you in as to whether you could be entitled to thousands of pounds in compensation for your injuries, suffering, and loss.

Can you claim?

Your employer has a legal responsibility to have an employer’s liability insurance policy in place to cover themselves for any claims that need to be made. The insurance exists for the sole purpose of making a claim from it for injuries and losses that result from work accidents.

The key to whether you are covered by the insurance is simple – has your employer failed you in some way, and / or have they in some way breached the duty of care they have for you, and / or could they have in some way prevented your accident and injuries from occurring.?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, it is likely you have a good shot at making a successful work accident compensation claim!

There are absolutely loads of rules and regulations that your employer must abide by to ensure that your health and safety is maintained during your working practices at all time. These rules and regulations are designed to prevent work accidents from occurring – so, if they are breached, and you end up being injured, you can make a claim.

Here are a few examples of common work accident compensation claims:

  • The common slip, trip and falls associated with traffic routes in your workplace not being inspected and maintained regularly.
  • Defective machinery that has injured you, or your employer’s lack of clear and adequate training in the use of potentially dangerous machinery and equipment.
  • Failing to provide you with any or any adequate personal protective equipment for your working practices.
  • Failing to properly train you and properly risk assess all manual handling activities, and provide adequate assistance (e.g. mechanical assistance).

Should I make a compensation claim for my work accident?

Yes, you should! All you are doing is claiming from the insurance policy that your employer must legally have in order to be compensated for your genuine injuries and loss. It’s the same as claiming your car damages back from the driver at fault in a car accident!

The great thing about the insurance is that it also covers your legal fees, so you will receive 100% compensation with a genuine No Win No Fee agreement and a specialist personal injury lawyer.  So, you don’t have to worry about losing out on any money.

It’s also important to remember that there is no come back on you for making a work accident compensation claim – you are protected by the law, and you have an entitlement to make a claim. It’s a perfectly common and natural process to claim from your employers insurance, and we often find many employers are more than happy for you to make a claim from it; after all, you have been badly injured in the line of duty, and the insurance is there to claim from!

How do I make a claim for my work accident?

It’s pretty easy when you know how! Contact a specialist personal injury law firm, like ourselves, with years and years of dealing with work accident claims. I mentioned above that your legal fees are covered by the insurance as well – so don’t fall foul to the lawyers out there who are still prepared to charge you for your claim.

With a Genuine No Win No Fee agreement, the paperwork (and I mean the actual paperwork – don’t just take the lawyers verbal word for it) should state in black and white:

  • If you win your claim, you will receive 100% of the compensation awarded.
  • Your lawyers will seek to recover all legal fees directly from the other side / your opponent.
  • If any or all of the legal fees are not recovered from the other side, your lawyers will specifically NOT seek to recover them from you (watch this one as it is often left out in most standard agreements. Without this part, the law firm could potentially recover fees from you if they seek to recover them from the other side and fail!)
  • If the claim loses, you will not have to pay your lawyers charges. You pay nothing – not a single penny.

It’s also healthy to look out for any additional service benefits as well. Such as:

  • Regular contact – perhaps every 14 days or so.
  • Phone calls, letters, and emails responded to on a same day basis, or within 24 hours at the latest.
  • Private medical care at no cost to you right from the outset of the case – and no cost if it loses.

Call 0800 634 7575 to get your work accident compensation claim started today. If you prefer, why not arrange a call back from one of our team, and receive instant advice on whether you have a claim to make! Just fill out the quick form below and we’ll call you back at a time which suits you.

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