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Whiplash Claims

There has been a lot of publicity in the media lately with regards to personal injury claims suffered from a road traffic accident.  The most common injury being whiplash.

What is Whiplash?

It is an injury to the cervical vertebrae, or the neck as it is normally known, and it is most commonly caused when you are involved in a road traffic accident.  It is as a result of the movement of the head / neck that is caused during the collision of vehicles involved.

How do you know if you have whiplash?

This type of injury is not always evident immediately after an accident. It may take up to several hours, or even a day after the accident, for you to discover that you have got whiplash. Its best to get checked out by a doctor as soon as you can.

The most common symptoms of whiplash are:

  • Stiffness and / or pain around the neck, back, and shoulders area
  • Reduced movement in the affected areas
  • Headaches and possibly dizziness

If you are involved in an accident, it is advisable to get yourself checked out at the hospital or your GP – even if you think you are fine at the time – and always exchange details with the other parties involved in the accident.

If you require any further information or advice on personal injury, contact an injury lawyer for free advice.  They will assist and guide you through the claim process.

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