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Workplace Accidents- How Much Compensation Could I Receive?

OK – so you have had an accident at work, and you think you may have a claim for compensation; now, you may want to know what sort of payout you could be expected to receive.

Firstly, just for the avoidance of confusion, let us address whether you have a potential claim for compensation. A basic criteria to check through is as follows:

  1. The accident was not entirely your own fault.
  2. The cause of the accident was in some way attributable to your employers / or was caused by a colleague.
  3. The accident was entirely preventable in some way by your employer.

If you can squeeze yourself in to any of the categories above, whether one, two, or all of them, you should certainly make a claim for compensation.

Secondly, to save any worry you might have, there is nothing your employers can do by law to adversely affect your employment when you make a claim. You cannot be dismissed, and you cannot be treated any differently whatsoever.

It’s a fundamental right you have to make a claim for compensation – and, in fact, your employers must by law have a policy of Employers Liability Insurance in place to cover themselves for any injuries their staff end up with in the line of duty. This insurance exists solely for the purpose of claiming from; so, it’s a perfectly natural and normal process to claim from it, and we often find that many employers are quite happy to utilise it and make a claim when you have been genuinely inured through no fault of your own!

How Much Compensation Could You Get?

OK – so I’ve addressed a few other issues that may have been playing on your mind, and we are now down to the nitty gritty as to what you could be entitled to receive.

Sadly, I have some bad news for you! There is no way of accurately valuing how much you could be entitled to claim for at this stage. The only way to accurately value you claim and guarantee you get 100% of the compensation you are entitled to receive is by instructing a firm of specialist personal injury lawyers to deal with your case.

That is the ONLY way to guarantee the highest possible payout in the shortest possible time.

Compensation Claims Calculator

I can, however, introduce you to one way of getting a rough idea as to what you may be entitled to receive. We have our Personal Injury Calculator at hand for you to enter your details in to, and it will text you with a rough valuation. It’s on the right hand side of our home pageclick here ( and put your details in now for your free valuation!

The valuation is calculated by taking the information as to the nature and severity of your injuries that you will enter in to the calculator and matching it to the Judicial Studies Board (JSB) Guidelines to give you your valuation.

So, it’s based on official brackets that we do use in line with medical evidence to value your claim. However, it has its limitations in the sense that it’s based on whatever you put in to it.

With a fully qualified personal injury lawyer representing you for your claim for work accident compensation, you should be guaranteed the maximum amount by attending a private medical appointment to assess your injuries.

Some more great news for you – with a Genuine No Win No Fee lawyer, you will not be charged a penny for your lawyers costs as they are actually covered by your employers insurance as well! So, you will always get the full 100% amount with no deductions and no hidden charges to pay for!

As Seen On TV
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Compensation Calculator
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