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Motor Vehicle Claims

At The Injury Lawyers we deal solely with personal injury cases.  Every day we deal with claims for injuries sustained at work, whilst out and about on our streets, stemming from faulty products, and so on.  But it is road traffic accident claims that account for much of our work.

Unfortunately, it is somewhat of a fact of life that numerous road traffic accidents occur each day – as a result people suffer a whole host of injuries.  In most cases it will be human error that has caused the accident.  Where the accident was not your fault, but the fault of a negligent third party, and where you have been injured as a result, you will more than likely be able to make a claim for compensation.  Doing this is actually very easy and does not take long at all.  Here is a quick guide as to how you can claim compensation.

Firstly you should seek to instruct an experienced and quality injury lawyer who will not charge you whatsoever for their work.  They will then take you through the road traffic accident claiming process right from the start, and get your claim moving forward from day 1 onwards.

The first stage is to collate all the details of the accident and complete what is known as a ‘Claims Notification Form’.  Your injury lawyer will guide you through which should take roughly 10 – 20minutes to complete.  Once this is done it is submitted online through the Ministry of Justice online portal and the Defendant (usually the negligent driver’s insurer) has one business day to acknowledge your claim and a period of 15 business days to admit or deny liability.  In our experience, admissions of liability often come well within that 15 day period; so, although 2 weeks is not so long to wait, in most cases, you won’t even have to wait that long.

Where liability is admitted, the next stage is for you to attend an appointment with a legal medical expert so that a medical report can be completed.  This is necessary so that your injuries can be linked to your accident, and it is from the prognosis in the report that your claim can be valued.  At The Injury Lawyers we always make sure that your medical appointment will be at a time and place convenient for yourself.  Before we provide the Defendant with your medical report so that we can settle your claim for the maximum compensation you deserve, we will always make sure you are happy with its contents.

Claiming for compensation for injuries arising out of a road traffic accident is actually very straightforward and much easier than it used to be.  Under the old system it could take nearly 4 months for a straightforward admission to be received.  The insurer would have nearly a month simply to acknowledge your claim and then 3 months to investigate it.  In a lot of cases such amounts of time were unnecessary and the new system which came in over a year ago has made things a lot better.

For some further advice on your potential claim give us a free call today for some free advice on 0800 634 75 75.

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