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Claiming Compensation for your Injuries

For most of us, claiming for compensation for injuries arising out of an accident which was not your fault is something we are unlikely to do.  This is because, although accidents are frequent, it is unlikely that it will actually be us that is involved in them; right?  That said, it could well be us in that situation one day.  How then, if we decide to make a claim for compensation, do we actually do this?

Fortunately there are a wealth of injury lawyers out there who will happily take you through the process and do almost all the work for you.  However, it is still important to know what happens, so here is a quick guide.

Once you have instructed an injury lawyer who you are sure will not charge you a penny for their work, will provide great service levels, and get you the maximum compensation you deserve, all you have to do is provide them with as much information about your accident as possible. 

Your injury lawyer will then be able to compile and submit a thorough ‘Letter of Claim’.  The Letter of Claim is typically the first contact you have with the Defendant post-accident and explains to them the injuries you have suffered as a result of your accident, and why it is considered that they are at fault / negligent, and should therefore provide you with compensation. 

The Defendant has 21 days to acknowledge receipt of the Letter of Claim – once it is received they are allowed a further three months to investigate your claim.  At The Injury Lawyers we always make the most detailed Letter of Claim because we believe it enables the Defendant to come back sooner with an admission of liability.  For instance, if we clearly set out the accident location, explain precisely how your injuries occurred, and what they are, and then make certain why it is their fault, the Defendant will have little investigation to actually do and is more likely to come back within, say, a month, with an admission of liability.

Once liability for your accident has been admitted, the next stage is for you to attend a medical appointment so that a legal medical report can be compiled and, with your permission, be disclosed to the other side.  This is necessary so that your injuries can be properly linked to your accident and then a prognosis provided so that a proper valuation of your claim can be confirmed by your specialist injury lawyer.  With the right injury lawyer on your side, they will then negotiate the maximum compensation you deserve as soon as possible.

For some free legal advice and some further information, give The Injury Lawyers a call today on 0800 634 75 75 and we will be more than happy to help.

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