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Car Compensation Claims

At The Injury Lawyers, our experience of people who have been injured through no fault of their own in road traffic accidents is that they want to be compensated as quickly as possible. 

This is not because they are impatient, but because having a damaged or written off car is bad enough, and they are now further suffering as a result of their injuries, and just wish to get better and get back to where they were as soon as possible and forget about what happened.

Just short of two years ago, the compensation claiming process for road traffic accidents could be described as a little arduous.  This is because, even for straightforward accidents it could take nearly 4 months to get an admission of liability, and then several months thereafter to sort out a medical report and settle your claim.  Fortunately, since 30 April 2010, this has all changed: under a new protocol for low value injury claims arising out of road traffic accidents, being compensated has got a whole lot faster.  Here is a quick guide:

Once you have chosen the right injury lawyer for you, it is a case of submitting what is known as a ‘Claims Notification Form’, usually to the Defendant’s insurer, online via the Ministry of Justice portal.  This is nothing for you to worry about and something your injury lawyer can do for you, and is simply a matter of taking a few details like the accident date, your vehicle registration number, and so on.  Once this is completed and submitted, the Defendant has just 1 business day to acknowledge receipt of your claim, and then a further 15 days to admit or deny liability.  From our experience, we find that it is typical to receive an admission of liability within just a few days; but then again, we do not consider 15 days to be too long.  After all, it is much better than 3 months that the alternative system has!

After your admission has been received it is a matter of getting a medical report compiled and disclosed to the other side so your compensation can be agreed and finalised.  At The Injury Lawyers we always try to make sure that you do not have to travel far at all to get to the appointment and importantly that it is a time convenient for yourself.  Again, this whole process should not take long at all.

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident and as a result of which you have sustained injury and wish to see whether you can claim for compensation, why not give The Injury Lawyers a call today for some free legal advice?

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