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Claiming Compensation after an Accident

If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault, you may be entitled to compensation, which is designed to put you back in the position you would have been in had the accident not have occurred. 

For example, if a faulty piece of work equipment caused you to sustain injury, you could be compensated for that injury or if you have had a trip and fall in the high street because of piece of defective paving you could be compensated for any associated injury.  For most people, compensation claiming is not something they have done before, and therefore it is natural to wonder when people want to know how to go about this.  Here is a quick guide:

The first thing you should think about is instructing a quality injury lawyer on your behalf.  Aim for an injury lawyer who will not charge you for their work, will get you the maximum compensation you deserve in the shortest time possible, and who is an expert in the field of personal injury claims owing to their numerous years of experience in dealing with these sorts of claims.  With the right injury lawyer on your side, you will be well on your way to obtaining the compensation you deserve, and will be in experts hands – better still, in most cases, your injury lawyer will do most of the work for you.

The first stage of your claim involves sending what is known as a ‘Letter of Claim’ to the Defendant.  This letter will outline your accident, your details, and why we believe the Defendant has been negligent and should provide you with compensation.  Once received, the Defendant has a period of 21 days to acknowledge this Letter of Claim. 

Upon acknowledgement, the Defendant is then entitled to a further 3 months to investigate your claim.  From our experience here at The Injury Lawyers, we would say that most Defendants do not necessarily take this near 4 month period to come back to us with their position on liability.  Although they are entitled to this period of time, we have found that many Defendants will admit liability much sooner.

Where liability has been admitted, it is up to your injury lawyer to arrange for you to attend a medical appointment at a time and place convenient for you, in order for a legal medical report to be compiled.  This medical report will demonstrate the link between your injuries and the accident, detail your pain and suffering, and also outline a prognosis.  From this, your claim can be properly valued and settlement can be negotiated with the Defendant.

All in all, claiming for compensation is actually quite straightforward – especially if you have the right quality injury lawyer on your side.  For some further free legal advice, get in contact with us at The Injury Lawyers today on 0800 634 75 75.

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