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Forklift Truck Accidents

At The Injury Lawyers we are proud to say we are experts in the field of personal injury law.  We deal only in personal injury law, and we have years and years of experience between our expert injury lawyers.

Each day we get numerous calls with potential new claims and we are extremely happy to look into each potential claim to see if it is something we can help you out with.  Our clients are our lifeblood; they are who we work for, and for each and every one we genuinely fight tooth and nail to get them the maximum compensation they deserve.

Over the years we have had some particularly interesting cases and some particularly unusual ones.  Today, I will be writing about forklift truck and pallet truck accidents; a category of accident claim that I would class as potentially fairly regular…

In most accident claims which involve forklift trucks or pallet trucks, these will occur in the workplace; but at the same time, they can occur when you are a visitor to a warehouse or a wholesalers perhaps; in which case they would come under the classification of an ‘occupiers’ accident,  where you are injured whilst visiting some other persons’ premises.  In both such cases, we are more than able to help you out.  It matters not whether you were an employee or a visitor when you suffered an injury – the thing that matters is that the accident was not your fault, but the result of someone else’s negligence.

If you have been involved in an accident involving a forklift truck or pallet truck through no fault of your own, get in touch with an expert injury lawyer who will be happy to advise you on your potential claim.  If you are hit by a third party driving a forklift truck or pushing a pallet truck around, the likelihood is that you will have a claim for compensation.  So, if someone reverses into you, drives straight into you, doesn’t notice your presence and pushes a pallet truck over your foot for example, you more than likely have a claim for compensation where you have suffered an injury.

One of the key ‘problems’ people seemingly face when deciding whether to pursue a claim for compensation for an accident which happened is work, is how this will affect their employment.  This is understandable because we have known numerous circumstances where employer’s put pressure on their employee’s not to make claims for compensation.  This, however, is wrong.  At the end of the day what you have got to realise is that all employers are by law required to have insurance should an accident happen.

So when an accident does happen, this insurance can cover the costs of any compensation pay out.  Employers have this compulsory insurance so that they can pay compensation should an accident occur.  It cannot affect your employment in any way.  The insurer will pay your compensation, not the employer, and the employer will have to buy an insurance premium each year regardless.  Another thing to note is that it will not be your colleague whom you had the accident with that is sued.  For instance, your friend negligently runs you over with a forklift truck.  It will be your employer, not your colleague who is sued.  This is because your employer is ‘vicariously liable’ for any accidents caused by their employee.

If you have been involved in an accident involving a pallet truck or fork lift truck and want some further advice or want to discuss any implications you feel there may be, please do get in touch for a confidential and no obligations chat today.

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