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Bicycle Accident -What can I Claim For?

It sometimes seems that everywhere we go we cannot get away from messages telling us to reduce our carbon footprint.  In the fast evolving world we live in where we can get from A to B relatively easily in comparison to a century ago, it would seem that this has come at a substantial cost to our environment.  This has led some people to ditch their cars and take up cycling instead.  Unfortunately, we at The Injury Lawyers are increasingly hearing of accidents involving cyclists. 

If you have been injured as a cyclist through no fault of your own, a quality injury lawyer like those here at The Injury Lawyers are on hand to help you get the maximum compensation you deserve.

Despite many new cycle paths being created and several campaigns to warn road users about the safety and importance of being aware of cyclists, the roads are a perilous place for Britain’s cyclists.  The main type of accident we hear about involving cyclists are those where a negligent third party vehicle has not seen a cyclist and caused a collision.  That said, other accidents do not necessarily involve negligent drivers, but instead, are caused by the defects in the road surface; for instance a pothole. 

At The Injury Lawyers we have helped people out who have been involved in a collision with another road user or who have flown head over heels over their handle bars due to a pothole.

If you have been involved with a third party driver, the usual course of action will be against that driver’s insurer.  So long as you have the vehicle’s details and those of the driver, where they are insured, as is compulsory, with the help of an expert injury lawyer on your side you will be able to pursue their insurer for the compensation you deserve for your injuries.  Where you injuries have instead been caused by a defective piece of road, your claim will typically by against the local authority responsible for the surface in question or the owner of the land where the accident happened.

It is also noteworthy that it is not just your injuries that you can receive compensation for – a claim can be made for the damage to your bicycle, or any clothing or property that was damaged in your accident.  If you think you should be able to claim for any damaged items it is best to consult with an expert injury lawyer who can properly advise you and make sure you recover all the compensation you are entitled to.

If you have been involved in an accident whilst using your bicycle make sure you get all the information you can about the negligent party, and if possible, the details of any witnesses.  Armed with this information, get in touch with an injury lawyer who will fight tooth and nail for the maximum compensation you deserve and who will not charge you a penny for their work whatsoever.

At The Injury Lawyers we are on hand between 9am and 10pm each weekday, and 9am and 5pm each weekend day to offer you some free legal advice.

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