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How much is my personal injury claim worth?

You’ve had an accident. You think, or you know, that you are entitled to claim for compensation. Perhaps you are just about to start a claim, and you’re interested to know what it could be worth. Perhaps you’re soon to be settling your case, and you are intrigued as to what you could be paid out. Perhaps you have been given a valuation, and you are not happy.

Whatever the case, the answers to your questions are here!

How to value your personal injury claim

The value of your injuries and your claim comes in to two parts – so you’re actually entitled in most cases to get paid out for two sums of compensation, known as General Damages and Special Damages, that formulate the full payment.

General Damages – is the amount for the pain, suffering, inconvenience, and loss of amenity caused by the injuries themselves. It’s generally based on the nature, length, and impact that the above has on you. A simple way of looking at it – your claim is generally worth more if you suffer for six months as opposed to you just suffering for a month or so with the same injury. Another quick example – a broken leg is obviously worth a lot more than a bruised leg.

But how do we calculate personal injury claims?

It’s actually pretty straightforward – we send you to see a specialist medical expert with experience and the ability to produce a medical report for us that we then use to value the case. Only a fully qualified personal injury lawyer is best placed to use their wealth of experience with the medical evidence, and the Judicial Studies Board (JSB) Guidelines, to value your claim. With an expert injury lawyer on side, you should have no problems guaranteeing the maximum compensation for your case.

Special Damages – this is the second part of your claim. This is based on the financial losses that you have suffered due to the accident. The common ones are:

  • Lost earnings from time off work
  • Medical fees for treatment and medication
  • Travel expenses to and from appointments
  • Care and assistance from family and friends

This is all added on top of the compensation you get for your injuries. You still need to make sure you have a quality lawyer to fully value you what loses you could be entitled to. There are too many lazy law firms out there, or insurers through Legal Expenses Insurance / Motor Legal Protection, that don’t bother to fully assess your losses. It’s not worth their time – they have wasted enough money on your case at it is!

Value your personal injury claim NOW

You can value your claim this second by using our personal injury calculator and enter your details for our calculator to do its work and calculate a valuation for your claim. It’s as simple as that!

You must be aware though – the calculator will work out a figure based solely on the information you put in to it, and is to be used as a rough guide only. It is based on the official JSB (Judicial Studies Board) Guidelines that we do use to value real claims; but, it’s based on your own self assessment of the nature and severity of your injuries. This part we find out using the expert medical report. So, you still need a specialist injury lawyer representing you for your claim.

Time to make a personal injury claim!

Want to find out if you have a claim for compensation? You can easily find out by giving us a quick call 0800 634 7575 to get your claim started today. We offer a free and friendly, no obligation, confidential chat about your accident and injuries.

We are not just going to try and sell you our service – we listen, assess your claim, and advise you as to how we can help, and what you need to do. So – don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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Compensation Calculator
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