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Accidents at the Supermarket

Supermarkets have become our corner shop but on a much larger scale. Employees are constantly re-stacking the shelves with goods of all types and re-arranging the displays to tempt us to indulge ourselves.  But as appealing that these goods are to us, they can also be the cause of accidents and nasty injuries.

From time to time bottles and jars will be stacked incorrectly or picked up and replaced in an unsafe position upon the shelf, which leads to breakages and spillages.  When staff are taking out new stock, paper and off cuts of fresh fruit and vegetables may fall to the floor.  This can be a serious safety hazard.

While customers are on the premises of the supermarkets, either inside the building or the car park, it is the responsibility of the supermarket to ensure their safety.

That means when there is a health or safety risk of damaged and broken goods on the shelves or floor, the staff are to cordon exposed areas off with signs of warning for the public and clear away any debris as soon as possible.

Unfortunately these incidents are not always spotted immediately and may have not been reported to staff.  In the meantime, if you are busy looking at your shopping list and pushing your trolley, you may not be aware of the danger ahead.

Many of us have slipped on a wet floor or stood on spilt food and damaged fruit and veg left on the floor.  Some of us have been lucky with just a little ‘wobble’ to our balance, whilst others have not ben so fortunate, and as a result have fallen over.

If this should happen to you, make sure that you report the incident to the supermarket management immediately. If anyone witnessed you fall, ask them for their name and a contact number and even take pictures of the scene if you have access to a camera.  Most people these days carry a mobile phone which has a camera facility built in to it.

At the time, the fall may not appear to be serious, but it is advisable to still report this, making sure that the incident is registered in the accident book of the supermarket.  It may take a few days for the symptoms and bruising to actually become apparent.

If, while you were out shopping, you have experienced a fall or any injury due to the non-presence of a warning sign by the retailer and you would like to discuss this in more detail, please call us for a free and no obligation chat.

At The Injury Lawyers we have a wealth of experience in dealing with these types of claims and we are here to answer your questions and assist you if you wish to submit a claim for compensation against the retailer.  No matter how minor or major your injury is, whether you have incurred losses as a result of this or not, we are here to advise and help you.

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