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Bicycle Injury Claims

Over recent years there has been a rise in the amount of road users that are changing their four wheels for two. The retro bicycle has become more popular as we try to help the environment and insist on getting from A to B in the most efficient and eco friendly way possible.

The use of a bicycle does not mean that you are less important than vehicle drivers on the roads. You are still owed the same amount of care as any other road user. Unfortunately, we at The Injury Lawyers are increasingly hearing of road traffic accidents involving cyclists. If you have been a victim of a road traffic accident, don’t suffer in silence; get the compensation that you deserve.

The Injury Lawyers can help you get you back on your bicycle again and ensure that you receive the compensation that you are legally entitled to claim for. 

The injuries sustained from a bicycle accident can often be more serious than injuries resulting from a car accident due to having no protection from the body of a car. It can be a very distressing time for injured people, which is why we aim to help as soon as you contact us to help you recover from your injury and carry on with your life as soon as possible. We can provide private medical treatment such as physiotherapy, chiropractic or osteopathy, to help make you more comfortable after your accident. This doesn’t cost you a penny, and we can sort it out right from the start for you.

Wearing the appropriate protective clothing when using your bicycle is an important thing to remember. Helmets and florescent clothing can help to keep you safe whilst out on the roads. By ensuring that you do wear the correct protective clothing, you are reducing your risk of injury, and in some circumstances, protecting yourself from an accident. If you do not wear protective clothing then you may be at more risk of an injury and an accident. If it is the case that you have not protected yourself properly and you are involved in an accident, you may be contributory negligent for your accident. Contributory negligence may be raised by the defendant’s (driver at fault) insurers which could mean your compensation is reduced. So make sure you protect yourself when using your bicycle!

Another tip for you is to make sure you report your bicycle accident to the Police as a matter of urgency, as quickly as you can after an accident. This is an important step to take if you have been a victim of ‘hit and run’ or the driver of the vehicle was uninsured. It is also a good step to take as most bicycle users do not insure their bicycle; in essence you do not have any help from an insurance company like the other vehicle that was involved in the accident.

Make sure that if you are a victim of a bicycle accident you inform the police as soon as possible and that you are aware that if you did not protect yourself in the appropriate way you may be at found to be partially at fault for your injuries. Nevertheless, you still do deserve to be compensated for your injuries that were a result of a negligent third party and we at The Injury Lawyers are experts in the field of Road Traffic Accident Cases and bicycle injuries.

What you need to make a bicycle claim:

  1. You need to show that the other party was negligent
  2. You need to show that the injury or damage resulted from this negligence
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