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Road Traffic Accidents Involving Uninsured Drivers

Road traffic accident claiming is straightforward – especially where the other driver has insurance as the usual route is to claim compensation from the insurance company.  However, it has been suggested that there are over one million uninsured drivers in the United Kingdom

So, how do you make a claim for compensation against an uninsured driver? After all, pursuing the driver themselves may not be fruitful as they will in all likelihood not be worth suing.  Does this mean that you cannot be compensated for the injuries you sustained at the hands of a negligent uninsured driver? No.

Over five decades ago, in 1946, an organisation called the Motor Insurers’ Bureau was set up to compensate the innocent victims of negligent uninsured drivers.  A compensation fund was started with roughly £15 to £30 of everyone’s yearly insurance policy being contributed.  This has meant that millions of innocent victims of negligent uninsured drivers have been able to obtain compensation for their injuries and vehicle damages.  It would be unjust if they could not be compensated simply because the negligent third party has broken the law – the Motor Insurers’ Bureau is able to deal with the claim and provide compensation like an insurer would.

Making a claim from the Motor Insurer’s Bureau is relatively easy; but it may just be worth your while enlisting the help of a quality injury lawyer who has plenty of experience in dealing with the Motor Insurers’ Bureau because they will be able to effectively and efficiently deal with your claim, and advise you every step of the way.

If you have a potential claim and believe the other driver does not have insurance, get in touch with The Injury Lawyers today and we would be happy to advise you.  It would be particularly helpful if you have as many details of the negligent driver to hand (name, address, vehicle registration) and try and find out the details of any witnesses there may have been.  It is also vital that you inform the police of your accident as soon as possible after your accident; our recommendation is to do this straight away!

For some free and no obligation legal advice on any potential claim you may have, and for you to find out about our unique way of working whereby you are regularly updated and do not pay a penny for your claim, get in touch today on 0800 634 75 75.

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