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Roundabout Claims

Driving can often be stressful – and these days most people use the convenience of their own vehicle to travel around. With lots of stressed and tired road users, this can cause lots of problems on the roads; one negligent action can cause serious problems and worst of all injure an innocent victim.

Here at The injury Lawyers we know all too well about the effects of negligent drivers as we help countless innocent victims get the maximum compensation that they deserve after being in road accidents.

Some of the most common road traffic accidents occur on roundabouts. Roundabouts can often seem manic and stressful anyway – Well, for me they are anyway! You sometimes can never tell who has right of way, when someone is actually going to go for it and pull out, or if someone is going to slow down and stop! Anyone can get caught up in a road traffic accident on a roundabout and innocent victims should not suffer in silence; here at The Injury Lawyers we are here to help you, in any way possible, with your vehicle damages or hire car needs, private medical treatment to help you to get back on your feet again, and most important of all, getting you the maximum compensation that you deserve.

So, accidents on a roundabout – here are a few examples we come across regularly:

  • A negligent third party driver pulled out onto the roundabout whilst our client was already correctly proceeding on it and collided with their vehicle
  • A negligent third party driver was going too fast when approaching the roundabout and did not notice our client in the queue of traffic waiting to get on the roundabout, and collided into the back of their vehicle
  • A negligent third party driver suddenly changed lanes on a roundabout having realised that they were in the wrong lane but failed to notice the presence of our clients vehicle and caused a collision

These are only some of the types of accidents that can happen on a roundabout – a collision is a collision, and if it was not your fault, you deserve the maximum amount of compensation you are legally entitled to obtain.

The process for claiming personal injury compensation is simple and easy too – to get the ball rolling all you have to do is give us a call and we will ask you some simple and straightforward questions about your accident in order to complete a Claim Notification Form which we aim to get submitted to the third party insurers on the very same day to stop any delay.

We do all the hard work; all you have to do is attend a medical assessment in order to obtain your medical evidence – it really is that simple. If you have been injured in a road traffic accident that was not your fault, don’t hesitate to call us today on 0800 634 75 75 for some free legal advice.

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