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Man Responsible for the P.I.P. Implants Epidemic Arrested

The founder of Poly Implant Prothese (P.I.P), Mr Jean-Claude Mas, has been arrested in France following the investigation in to the low grade silicon and poor quality of implant manufactured by his company that has the potential to cause serious injury and harm to the suspected 400,000 women around the world who have had the P.I.P implant used in surgery.

According to sources from the BBC ( Mr Mas has been taken in to custody in Marseilles, where his lawyer has told a news agency that “he is not well, he is tired and he is waiting for his doctor.”

Investigations that date back to May 2010 in France confirmed that the company P.I.P had been using low grade silicon that is commonly used for industrial purposes in the production of mattresses and pillows, and is not to the standard of the European CE Mark approved gel that had originally been used. The silicon has the potential to cause irritation, and may even affect the victims DNA if ongoing tests conclude such dangers.

What’s worse is that there is only a single exo layer containing a high volume of the gel, making leaks likely and explosion a serious and dangerous possibility. The potential of the gel leaking or the implant rupturing is scarily high according to this information.

A lawyer representing women who had been fitted with P.I.P implants has commented saying “This is a relief. It’s come late, but at least it’s happened.”

The report goes on to confirm that Mr Mas had allegedly informed police in an interview that his company had been deceiving European inspectors for 13 years. Employees were ordered to hide the industrial grade gel they were using when inspectors where visiting; this news only increasing the disgracefulness of what can only be described as a cold, calculated and uncaring way one French company saved money and increased their profit margins at the expense of hundreds of thousands of innocent women.

Mr Mas is also allegedly maintaining his stance that the silicon is harmless, and commented that he has “nothing to say” to the women who have filed complaints to, in his view, “make money”. All I personally have to say to that is that the evidence so far speaks for itself – and I imagine there’s a reason why the gel he used was not to the standards for implants and a reason why he appears to have tried so hard to hide the fact he was using it!

If you are worried that you may be the victim of P.I.P breast implants, contact us free on our claims helpline on 0800 634 75 75 today, and we will look in to whether or not you have the implants, and whether you could potentially have a claim.

We strongly believe that you should have a claim for the pain and suffering of any leakages or bursts, as well as the associated suffering and inconvenience, as well as physical and psychological scarring that comes with further operations. The losses involved, like lost earnings from time off work, medical expenses, travel expenses, and care and assistance from family and friends will also be assessed.

The potential for women in the UK to make a claim is there according to our own research, and our specialist medical negligence team has been assembled to take on cases and advice people who believe they may have a claim. Follow this link for more information, or call us on 0800 634 75 75 and we will do all we can to help you out.

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