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Expert Whiplash Injury Claim Lawyers

Most people have heard of whiplash, but a lot of those people are not 100% sure what whiplash is.  Here’s a quick guide:

What is whiplash?

It’s a soft tissue injury to your head/neck/shoulder area.  What I mean by this is the damage caused by a strain to the muscles/tendons in those parts.

How do I know if I have whiplash?

Well if you give us a call we can assess your accident and see if it seems likely that you have whiplash from the symptoms described.  But, at the end of the day, we aren’t medical experts, and only a medical expert can formally diagnose whiplash.  What we can say is that if you have been in a car accident where you head was suddenly thrust forward because, for example, someone has gone into the back of your car, then whiplash would be a common type of injury to get.  Whiplash is caused by a forceful and unexpected jolting of your head/neck/shoulder area.

Have you got any of these symptoms?

  • Pain, stiffness or tenderness in your neck/shoulders
  • Pins and needles in your arms
  • Shoulder pain
  • Restricted mobility
  • Headaches
  • Nausea

If so, you may well be suffering from a whiplash injury.

How long will my whiplash last and how can I get rid of it sooner?

This really depends on the severity of your accident ,and it can differ hugely from person to person.  We have known people to complain of whiplash straightaway and some a few days later.  We have also known people in the same car to be suffering more than the person sat next to them; and for longer.  It really does depend on the individual.

In terms of getting better, your GP is best placed to advise, but it is not uncommon to be given painkillers or recommended a course of physiotherapy.  If you instruct us we can try and arrange some private medical treatment as part of your claim so that you can get on the road to recovery and get better faster.

Can I be compensated for my whiplash?

Yes – if the injury was due to someone else’s negligence.  For example, someone drives into the back of your vehicle or pulls out of a side road into your car – or you are an innocent passenger in a car.  These are just some of the scenarios where you could make a claim.  Get in touch with us today on 0800 634 75 75 and we will be able to assess the prospects of you making a successful claim.

What’s the claims process like?

Much better now a new system has been brought in to play.  You should get an admission of liability within a few weeks of letting the Defendant know you want to make a claim and then it’s just a matter of getting medical evidence to support your claim and settling it.  You could well get your compensation in just a couple of months.  With the right injury lawyer you won’t even have to lift a finger either.

At The Injury Lawyers we are expert injury lawyers with years of experience and deal with whiplash claims every day.  We vow to get our clients the maximum compensation they deserve and will make sure they know at least every 14 days what progress is being made on their claim.  For some further information and free legal advice with no obligations, give us a call today!

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