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PIP Rupture Symptoms

As the scandal surrounding the PIP implants continues, there are thousands of women who are in desperate need of advice, guidance, and answers as to what they should do if they are affected by the PIP implant scandal.

One of the crucial things that the victims want to know is information about the symptoms of a ruptured implant. Given that the implants are said to be subject to easy rupture, and contain an industrial grade silicone capable of causing harm to the human body, people are worried.

Recognised Symptoms

The recognised symptoms of rupture or problems involving your PIP implants are commonly as follows:

  • Lumpiness of the breast
  • Lumpiness or swelling in the area around the breast
  • Change in shape of the breast
  • Deflation of the breast
  • Redness
  • Tenderness of the breast
  • Swelling of the breast
  • Pain or sensitivity – could be a dull ache, sharp pain, a burning sensation, or “shooting” or “stabbing” pains
  • Itching around the breast
  • Unusual tiredness or general poor health

If you have any of these symptoms, we strongly advise that you seek medical attention as quickly as possible. These are signs that there could be a potential problem with your implants, and you should speak to your doctor or an appropriate health professional without delay.

If you have had the implants done privately, you should advise the consultant, practice or clinic about the symptoms as well.

Diagnosing a Rupture

The symptoms above are signs of potential problems. Ultrasound scans and MRI scans can be used to spot ruptures as well; however, as good as these scans generally are, their results are said to be not always conclusive if they show you are all clear. Some ruptures are hard to spot on the results.

If you are having surgery, there are a few precautions you should take to make sure you have evidence for a case; as you may well be entitled to claim compensation. You should take photographs of the appearance of your breasts and any scar tissue you may have had before you have any corrective surgery. You should also make sure that you get to retain your implants, or have photographs taken of them – and that is important.

If the clinic or surgeon refuses you the rights of either, call us now and we will see if we can help out. Evidence of a rupture and the silicone contained within can ultimately prove your case.

Making a Claim

If you need any advice about making a PIP claim, call our free claims helpline on 0800 634 75 75 now and we will give you all the advice we can. Our specialist PIP compensation team has been set up to represent the victims of the PIP scandal, and we have taken on numerous claims to date.

Even if you have had no symptoms and may not have a rupture, you may still be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

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