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Personal Protective Equipment – Work Accident Compensation Lawyers Advice

All employers must provide all equipment that is to be worn or used to protect their employers from risks from hazards in the workplace. This equipment is known as personal protective equipment, or PPE for short.

This equipment comes in all shapes and sizes and can be anything from safety goggles, ear protectors, high visibility clothing, protective footwear, or gloves, depending on the type workplace and the nature of the hazards involved.

All employers have a duty to not only provide this equipment but to also deliver appropriate training on how to use the equipment. Employers are responsible for the full costs of this equipment, and they should not ask you for any contributions for this equipment whatsoever. They should also ensure that the PPE is kept, maintained, and stored correctly so it can offer the user the fullest protection it can.

PPE is essential for keeping employees safe at work; not just for the occasional minor accidents such as lacerations but for the more substantial risks, of asbestosis / mesothelioma, deafness, or perhaps protecting serious trauma to your body. Items such as respirators and ear protectors need to be provided to protect the employee from the long term and life threatening injuries such as those above for asbestos and noisy working environments.

The PPE itself should not cause a risk to Health and Safety as well, and employers must also ensure that this is regularly reviewed. An example of this would be PPE restricting visibility or getting trapped in machinery.

If you believe that your employer is not meeting these criteria, you should raise this with a senior member of the firm, as it is vitally important that they conform to the rules and regulations for PPE. It could prevent them from having a claim brought against them in the future.

Do you have a potential claim?

Have you had an accident at work that involves your employer failing to provide you with the appropriate safety equipment? Were you injured as a result of that accident? If so give The Injury Lawyers a call on our free claims helpline 0800 634 75 75 for free and no obligation expert legal advice.

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