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Road Traffic Accidents Compensation Claims: Roundabouts

Roundabouts: I personally hate them and they can often terrify me. You never know who has thinks they have right of way, when a vehicle is actually going to go, how fast is the vehicle coming around the roundabout, or will I even make it across the roundabout? I am sure I am not alone when I say this.

Roundabouts are notorious for road traffic accidents; it’s not really a surprise. Even though the majority of accidents on roundabouts are not fatal and involve low speed collisions, people can still get injured and whiplash is one of the most common injuries.

A driver at fault usually fails to keep a proper lookout and often drives too fast resulting in accidents, or fails to give the correct right of way. Accidents commonly happen on roundabouts because drivers fail to wait for traffic to pass before entering the roundabout, fail to keep or move to the correct lane at the correct time, which causes last minute lane changes and sudden braking.

The Highway Code (2007) governs rules on the road; to give you an idea of who may be at fault for a road traffic accident, take a note of some of the following correct procedures – if someone fails to follow the below they may well be liable for the accident:

  • On approaching a roundabout take notice and act on all the information available to you, including traffic lights, traffic signs, and lane markings which direct you to the correct lane.
  • When reaching the roundabout you should give priority to traffic approaching form your right, check whether road markings allow you to enter the roundabout without giving way, watch out for all other road users already on the roundabout, and look forward before pulling off to make sure traffic in front has moved off properly.When taking the first exit to the left, unless signs or markings indicate otherwise
  1.  Signal to the left and approach in the left hand lane
  2. Keep to the left on the roundabout and continue signalling left to leave

●  When taking an exit to the right or going full circle

  1. Signal right and approach in the right hand lane
  2. Keep to the right on the roundabout until you need to change lanes to exit
  3. Signal left after you have passed the exit before the one you want

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident on a roundabout that was not your fault you are entitled to make a claim for personal injury compensation. If you want a genuine no win no fee agreement and you want to keep 100% of your compensation, look no further and call The Injury Lawyers today on 0800 634 75 75.

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