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Bus (Public Service Vehicle) Accidents

The duty of a bus driver to its passengers is the same as any other driver to their passengers – they have a responsibility to ensure that passengers are not injured due to any negligence on their behalf.

One common form of accident on buses are caused by the driver performing an emergency stop or braking too harshly. Passengers are generally thrown around on the bus as a result of this and this can cause personal injury, particularly when the passengers are stood on the bus waiting to get off at the next bus stop.

Another common circumstance is that of buses pulling away from the bus stop before passengers have had chance to sit down. Although there is no specific duty on a bus driver to ensure that all passengers are seated prior to pulling away, they must take reasonable care to ensure that injury is not caused by pulling away too quickly or abruptly. Also, due consideration must be given if the passengers are identified as being specifically at risk of injury by pulling away before they are seated. For example, elderly people may be less likely to be able to keep their balance whilst the bus was pulling away than a younger person would be.

Injuries caused by these types of accidents can range from minor whiplash injuries to banging your head on the poles or bars on the bus. Some cases even include damage to the teeth if you hit something hard with your face, as well as the obvious broken bones that can be caused.

Accidents involving public service vehicles are not limited to just buses. The same duty of care applies to the drivers of coaches and mini cabs to its passengers.

Injuries caused by accidents such as these can have a significant effect on your life. Dependent on the type of injuries you could be missing out on holidays or social events, as well as incurring costs such as medical expenses, travel expenses to hospital or GP appointments and even lost earnings as a result of being off work.

If you believe that you have been injured on a bus as a result of negligent driving of the driver then you could be entitled to claim compensation for the injuries you have suffered and any other losses incurred as a result of those injuries.

Therefore, please call our free claims line on 0800 634 75 75 and obtain legal, professional and no obligation advice on your circumstances.

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