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Part Time Work Accidents

Maybe you have taken on some part-time hours to help out with the bills or maybe you are a student with a part-time job to help you fund your studies – whatever your circumstances it is a sad fact that you may suffer an injury at work while at your part-time employment. What you need to know is if this does happen to you what can you do about it?

The truth is that the answer is fairly simple: you can still claim against a part-time employer. Just because your hours are part-time it doesn’t mean that you only have part of the rights to claim of a full-time employee!

Employers are required by law to have insurance policies in place to cover all of their employees regardless of employment status; these policies are known as Employers’ Liability Insurance which is required under The Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969.

This requirement for insurance means that. should you be negligently injured in the course of your part-time employment, through an injury that wasn’t your fault, your employer should have an adequate amount of protection from their insurers to cover the cost of your claim if you are eligible to make one.

An injury in your part-time employment is no less serious than any other claim for personal injury and should not be treat as less important simply because your hours are not the same as a full-time employee. However, it is not just the protection provided by Employers’ Liability Insurance that is shared between part-time and full-time workers. There are also laws in place that protect employees from being sacked by their employers simply because they have started the legal process of seeking compensation.

In many cases employees are supported through the claim process both by The Injury Lawyers and their employers. In fact, the larger the employer the more likely it is that they have faced claims against them before, they know they have insurance to cover the claim and may even encourage their employees to call solicitors and seek advice.

If you do have any concerns about claiming against your employer my advice would be not to worry about it, unfortunately accidents happen and claims for accidents at work are more common than many people seem to think.

So if you want to discuss your potential claim for an accident at your part-time employment and get expert personal injury advice then call The Injury lawyers now on 080 634 75 75.

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