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What is the Payout for Moderate Whiplash in 2012?

In any personal injury claim, the amount of compensation you will receive is not a figure just plucked out of the air; the figures are based on your representative’s expertise and experience but also from the Judicial Studies Board Guidelines.

This is a set of guidelines which are used in order to help your legal representative to assess your claim and the value of it.

The assessment of compensation for your injuries will consider the following:

  • The seriousness of your injuries and whether you have suffered any broken bones, any disfigurement or any physical or mental impairment
  • Whether you are likely to make a full recovery or whether you are likely to suffer any long term affects/side effects.
  • Whether you have experienced any loss of earnings/income or are likely to experience any loss of earnings in the future as a result of the accident
  • The level of pain you have suffered or are still suffering
  • How your day to day living has been affected by the injuries

The Judicial Studies Board Guidelines do not have specific values for every injury however provide brackets within which certain injuries are likely to fall. Moderate whiplash can be quite serious and last for a long time and therefore it is important that all of the above aspects are considered in full and obviously taken into account when placing a value on your injury.

For moderate whiplash the bracket provided in the Judicial Studies Board Guidelines are as follows:

£5150 – £15,000

If you fall under this category you will be suffering from an injury which seriously limits your movement, is giving you constant or recurring pain, which can include stiffness and discomfort. You may also need further treatment or surgery. Moderate whiplash can also leave you more vulnerable to further injury or conditions.

Obviously this bracket is really wide which is where the medical evidence from an independent medical expert is used. This gives us, your legal representatives an idea of which end of the bracket your claim is likely to fall. Therefore it is always important that medical evidence is obtained as this is used to more accurately value your claim for personal injury.

Here at The Injury Lawyers, we deal with only personal injury claims and therefore have a LOT of experience in valuing these types of claims.

Give us a call on 0800 634 75 75 for free professional advice.

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