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Winter Accident Compensation Claims

winter weather claimsAs the weather gets colder (or at least it should be getting colder!) we see an increase in accidents. Slipping on snow and ice, wet floors from people treading ice and water in to places, car accidents from skidding; it can be somewhat of a nightmare. We get a lot of enquiries from people wanting to make a claim, but it’s not so easy when the weather is a factor.

Firstly, slipping on snow or ice whilst out in the street is a difficult claim to win. You would have to prove that the council has been negligent in the duty of care they have for you. Whilst they often have a duty to grit, it’s not likely they will grit pavements (as an example) unless it is absolutely necessary. The local authorities are restricted in their budgets as it is, and the focus is normally on roads. However, whether they grit or not is entirely dependent on what their own specific policy says.

If you skid in your car due to black ice, you still normally don’t have a great chance of succeeding with the case. Again, it could depend on whether the council were able to grit in the day it happened, or even if there was enough grit to go around! The gist is that blaming the council is easier said than done.

If you slip due to ice or snow at work, then the workplace regulations apply, so you could have a claim. Again it can depend on the sort of notice your employer was on for any adverse weather, and whether they had any chance to do anything about it. If they fail to grit where they should have done, you could claim from your employers insurance.

If ice or snow is perhaps walked in to a premises like a supermarket or a shop, the owners have a responsibility to clear up any slipping hazards erect warning signs or cordons to safeguard the public. Failing to do this could allow a claim to be made.

If you are the victim of someone skidding in to you when driving a car, you should be able to claim from the insurers of the other driver if they are found to be at fault. You have to take care on the roads and adjust your driving to suit the weather conditions.

For advice on whether you have a claim, give us a call on 0800 634 75 75 today.

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