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How to Make a Successful Whiplash Claim

expert whiplash lawyersWhiplash, contrary to popular media fuelled belief, is a real injury. I know, as I’ve had it myself. I’m in the process of settling my claim as we speak, and I will write an article at a later date about how much I settled my whiplash claim for.

So if you have suffered or are suffering from whiplash, how do you make a successful whiplash compensation claim?

Firstly, there has to be someone else at fault. If another driver drove in to the back of you, or pulled out of a side road in to your vehicle, you should have a successful claim. As long as you were not 100% at fault for the accident, we should be able to help you make a successful whiplash claim.

There is a very straight-forward procedure for dealing with most road accidents, which provides quick timeframes for responses and generally allows claims to be resolved at a fairly quick pace. When we submit a claim electronically to an insurance company, they typically have 15 business days to formally accept liability for the accident. They have probably already accepted liability anyway, so a swift response can be common.

We will arrange for you to see a medical expert who will provide a report to us about your injuries and your suffering. This will be used to prove that you have a legitimate whiplash injury and will also allow us to value the claim as it will confirm the extent and longevity of your suffering. Generally speaking, the more you suffer, the more we get for you – and we use the medical evidence to show how long you have suffered for and how bad it is.

The medical evidence is also vital for us to assess whether you need any treatment for your injuries. Treatment, such as physiotherapy, is a great way of recovering from your injuries at a much quicker pace which means you can look to settle the claim earlier as well. At the same time, you have a duty to mitigate your losses, which means a duty to keep your losses, such as your suffering, to a minimum. If treatment is recommended, you should take it.

Treatment can be arranged on a private basis and can be entirely funded by the other side – so don’t worry about losing some of your compensation to pay for it.

Once you are fully healed, we need to negotiate the best settlement terms with the other side. As expert personal injury lawyers, it’s our job to fight tooth and nail for the highest payout we can for you – and that’s exactly what we will do.

So, that’s how you make a successful whiplash claim. But to make the perfect whiplash claim, call our team on 0800 634 75 75 and find about what we can do for you to settle your claim for the maximum amount of compensation in the shortest possible time.

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