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Forklift Truck Accident – Injury Lawyers Advice

fork lift truck accident claimsForklift trucks are widely used in a lot of industries. Given how common they are, accidents at work involving forklift trucks are fairly common. So if you are at work and you have been injured in a forklift truck accident, are you entitled to make a claim for personal injury compensation? Here’s some advice:

Can You Claim?

Whether you can claim or not is down to the individual circumstances of your accident. Common examples where you may have a claim could be:

  • A colleague negligently collided in to you with their forklift. The negligence of a colleague falls on the employer.
  • The forklift truck comes to a sudden halt due to a defect, jerking you violently and causing an injury.
  • You are driving a forklift truck and you hit a divot or an obstruction on the ground that shouldn’t have been there.

There could be many more examples, and we have dealt with, and are currently pursuing, plenty of forklift truck accident compensation claims. The gist of being able to work out whether you have a claim or not boils down to who is at fault. If your employer or another colleague is at fault, there may be a claim.

Who Pays Your Compensation?

All employers have a legal duty to have a policy of employer’s liability insurance that covers their employees for accidents at work. This insurance is there to be claimed form, and you are protected by law when claiming – so it’s nothing personal against your employer, and you have nothing to worry about.

The insurers will investigate the claim and either agree to pay out or dispute they are at fault. If they payout, we can recover legal fees from them as well.

So give us a call today on 0800 634 75 75 and we should be able to tell you in minutes whether you ay have a claim for personal injury compensation.

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