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Traction Alopecia Compensation Claims from Hair Extensions

hair extension compensation claimsTraction alopecia is a condition caused by continuous “pulling” on the hair follicles. This pulling puts stress on the hair and therefore ultimately it commonly results in premature hair loss and balding patches that many people may complain of.

One of the main causes of this condition is badly fitted hair extensions – more frequently with the hair extensions that are “bonded” to the hair rather than glued (however it can occur in both circumstances) as the natural hair is put under a lot of stress supporting the greater weight of the extra hair. Many Claimants’ often complain that the injury occurs most frequently around the hairline and temples as naturally the hair is always thinner.

There are two ways which the hair extensions can be negligently fitted:

  1. Too many extensions are fitted causing extra stress on the scalp and supporting hair follicles. This means the overall weight increases dramatically and therefore the hair is constantly pulled down.
  2. Each extension is not applied to enough hair- when bonded hair extensions are fitted, usually there is a set guideline that a certain amount of natural hair is needed to support the extension. Unfortunately, mainly in cases where it is an untrained professional doing the procedure, the extensions are placed onto too little hair which means it simply cannot cope and is literally pulled and pulled until eventually it is removed completely.

Unfortunately, hair loss can be permanent as the hair is often removed directly from the follicle – meaning the bit where hair grows from essentially dies. This can obviously be extremely distressing for many people who have personal reasons for wearing such things initially therefore if you have suffered from this condition because of the negligence of a professional then contact us today.

Usually, one of the best ways to ascertain whether a hairdresser has fitted extensions negligently is to seek a second opinion as many fully trained hairdressers are always appalled at the poor state that many people can find their hair and scalp in and will often be more than happy to help with treatment – HOWEVER always take photographs of your injuries so that there is proof of what was caused and where possible try and keep the bonded hair extensions that will be removed- these can be key pieces of evidence.

If you feel that you may be suffering from Traction Alopecia from poorly, negligently fitted hair extensions please do not hesitate to contact us for some initial free advice. We can discuss your individual circumstances and see whether it is something we can look to take forward.

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