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Why Should You Make a Claim for Compensation?

Make a Claim for CompensationUnless you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you’re likely to have the opinion that making a claim for personal injury compensation is somewhat of a joke, and perhaps even immoral. Personal injury is looked upon fairly negatively as people assume that victims of negligence are just milking the system and taking what they can from insurers.

Whilst I’m not going to go too much in to the ethics of making a claim, I will give you a few reasons as to why you should consider making a claim…

It’s just an insurance claim!

Insurance is there to cover people for eventualities when money is owed to someone. When you make a claim for personal injury compensation, in the vast majority of circumstances you are simply claiming money from insurance that exists to cover you for such eventualities. You are covered by someone else’s car insurance if they knock in to you. You are covered by your employers’ insurance. if you are injured at work in a none fault accident. The same applies for visiting a shop, or a cafe.

Ultimately that insurance is there for you to claim from in the event you have a none fault accident. It’s not personal; if you are genuinely injured and the accident could have been prevented, you are owed compensation for what has happened to you. If your house sets on fire and you have contents insurance, what’s one of the first things you are going to want to do?


You may be off work and suffer lost earnings for a considerable period of time. For many people, even a week or two off of work can have such a huge impact on you financially. As part of a claim for personal injury compensation, you are entitled to claim compensation for both your injury and your losses. So we can claim for lost earnings, or travel expenses, or care expenses. Why should you lose money because of someone else’s negligence?

Can you afford not to have any money to pay your rent / mortgage, bills, or car?


We can claim for private treatment that can help you to make as quicker recovery as possible from you injuries. This should hopefully limit the impact it has on your life, and perhaps limit the losses suffered from time off work.

Insurance is there to claim from, and trust me when I tell you that the insurance industry is a fairly lucrative industry. Don’t miss out on what you are genuinely owed!

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