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100% Compensation for Accidents at Work

100% compensation for accidents at work claimMost law firms are now charging up to 25% for you to make a claim for an accident at work. This is due to recent legal fee changes that mean lawyers can no longer recover all of their legal fees from the other side.

Before the changes in April, things were a lot more straight forward – lawyers could recover all legal fees from the other side, so most people get 100% of their payout. But since the changes, the recovery of two things have been abolished. One is called a Success Fee, and the other is called an After The Event insurance premium.

The 25% is normally to cover the success fee – and 25% is common because this is the maximum a lawyer can take from a client for the Success Fee. On top of that, a lot of law firms are also asking for payment of the unrecoverable insurance as well.

So for many, 100% compensation seems to be a thing of the past. But not for us – we dare to be different once again by breaking the trends and swimming upstream to make sure you keep all 100% of your payout.

For most claims like work accidents, slips and trips, etc, we are offering our clients the opportunity to keep all 100% of their payout, and we are happy to make sure you don’t pay for insurance as well. We still get paid by the other side – we have simply chosen to take the hit ourselves as oppose to our clients. We don’t have to charge you the success fee or insurance – it’s our choice, and we have decided as a business decision to let you keep all of your payout!

So give us a call and we will tell you more about our 100% compensation pledge! If you don’t believe us, let’s have a free and informal chat on 0800 634 75 75 today!

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