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The New Employers Liability and Public Liability Protocol System – 100% Compensation!

100% compensationMost accidents that occur on or after 31st July 2013 will be pursued under a new protocol that differs significantly to the traditional way of pursuing these claims to put them more in line with the Road Traffic Accident Protocol system. Essentially, most claims against employers or in public places like shops, restaurants, or out on the highway will now be pursued using a portal system similar to that of road accidents.

So what does this mean for people wanting to make a claim for personal injury compensation?

Well the idea behind the system is that claims are settled much quicker without the need for lengthy litigation and without the need for solicitor costs for letters and telephone calls. The whole portal system means that information is shared between parties electronically. In line with this system, legal fees that law firms receive have been dramatically, and I mean dramatically, cut. In fact, the fees we receive now could potentially lead to poor levels of service from many firms (not us! Read on for more info!)

In line with the recent April changes that saw the end of 100% compensation for most law firms as two parts of lawyer’s fees became unrecoverable from the other side (Success Fee and After The Event Insurance Premium) leading to charges to clients. Most law firms now operate in the following way:

  • Other firms will take a 25% deduction to cover the Success Fee (25% is the most common as this is the maximum amount a lawyer can take from a client for the Success Fee)
  • Other firms will ask for payment of the After The Event insurance premium; sometimes upfront

Given the changes this month, lawyers now face even less fees and most law firms are likely going to be charging the full amounts to client.

But here at The Injury lawyers – we work differently to the rest!

We are still offering our clients the opportunity to keep all of their compensation – you would receive the full 100% of the payout. We won’t be taking a percentage to cover the Success Fee, and we won’t be asking for payment of the After The Event insurance premium.

So how can we do this when other law firms can’t?

First things first, here are a few facts about the changes that other law firms are getting wrong:

  • We still get fees from the other side – it’s just we can no longer recover what we used to be able to. So we don’t have to charge a client to make money.
  • We don’t have to charge a Success Fee to you – it’s not the law to have to charge a client for this. It’s the law firms’ decision. The law is that it is no longer recoverable from the other side.
  • It’s not impossible to offer 100% compensation – it’s just that most other law firms don’t think like we do.

So the way it works is simple. Our 100% compensation offer can be achieved, so long as you abide by our terms and conditions in our agreement, because of the following:

  • We still do get paid by the other side, and we are that efficient and we take on such a high volume of cases that for us, the smaller fees are fine!
  • We take the hit instead of you – we are waiving the success fee charge so you don’t have to pay for it.

All that we ask from you to allow us to operate in this way is your quick cooperation through the process of the claim. With your quick cooperation and the new way of working, your claim could be settled in just a few short months instead of years like it used to for some claims.

So give us a call now on 0800 634 75 75 today.

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