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Broken Handrail Compensation Claims – Injury Lawyers Advice

broken handrail compensation claimsWe take on and win a high volume of claims for personal injury compensation. We are used to dealing with all sorts of different types of accidents and circumstances in which people are injured.

Whilst there are many ways you can be injured, the law that applies is usually the same when it comes to injuries in public places like shops, restaurants, or supermarkets; known as the Occupiers Liability Act. When it comes to defective premises claims against a landlord, the law is also similar. So too is it for incidents at work in which the applicable law is commonly The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992.

The commonality between the above is this: what reasonable steps have been taken to prevent someone from being injured due to a broken handrail?

Breaking Handrails

When it comes to breaking handrails, we can look at a few points. If the handrail has come loose and has started coming away from the wall, and you use it and are injured because it breaks, there may be a claim to answer for. If whoever is responsible for the handrail knew about the problem and failed to act on it, you should have a strong claim. If they have failed to maintain it by not having a thorough and adequate system of inspection and maintenance, you may also have a claim.

If you look at the example of a supermarket, who often employ hundreds of staff, you’d think that someone would notice the problem and report it to a superior!

If it happens at a rented premises, whether a claim can be made or not is normally down to what notice, if any, the landlord had of the issue. If you reported the loose handrail and they failed to act on it, you may have a claim.

Poor Workmanship

If the handrail breaks because it was installed badly or incorrectly, the claim may still be against whoever is in control of the premises as the duty can still fall on them. However, the claim can just as easily be brought against whoever installed the rail if their details are known.

Private Treatment

When it comes to claiming for personal injury compensation caused by a broken handrail, we often find that providing private treatment is somewhat of a necessity given that the victim will often end up falling down a flight of stairs. Losing balance from the handrail breaking whist using it is unfortunately common.

But whether it’s broken bones or badly injured soft tissue, we are here to provide the best quality private medical care. We sort the funding out so you don’t have to pay it out and recover it later – we simply get it recovered directly at the end of the claim if it wins. If the claim doesn’t win, it can be recovered from insurance.

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