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Stair Accident Compensation Claims – Hazards and Defects!

slipping on stair claimsA fall on stairs can be, for rather obvious reasons, very serious and potentially devastating when it comes to injuries and losses that can be commonly associated with these types of accidents.

It can be bad enough having a general slip, trip or fall but ending up down a flight of stairs is likely going to be much more serious.

So what can you do if you have injured yourself due to a defect or a hazard on some stair? Perhaps one of the following has happened to you:

  • There is a tripping hazard, like a raised section of carpeting or tile.
  • There is a loose or unstable section that perhaps dips / moves when stood on; causing a fall.
  • You slip due to a liquid or similar hazard on the stairs.
  • There is a gap in the stairs, or a hole.
  • There are objects on the stairs causing a trip hazard.

The Law

If you’re a visitor at a public place, like a supermarket, or a shop perhaps, then the law that generally applies is called the Occupiers Liability Act. This puts a duty on the people responsible for a premises to ensure that all necessary action is taken to prevent a hazard on their premises.

When it comes to slipping hazards or accidents on a stairway, there should be policies to keep them clear and regularly inspect and maintain them to ensure that anything that poses a hazard is cleared away / removed as quickly as possible. That can be seen as taking reasonable action.

When it comes to defects, they should be rectified immediately or access to the stairs should be blocked. As soon as there is knowledge of a problem, action needs to be taken. You can clear away some spilled water, but you can’t necessarily repair a hole as quickly.

Can You Claim?

If we can prove that those responsible for the stairs have failed to take all reasonable action to prevent an accident, then yes. It’s better to start a claim as soon as possible as there may be CCTV evidence that could be vital in supporting your claim for personal injury compensation.

100% Compensation Offer

For this type of claim, we can offer 100% compensation. Most other lawyers will deduct up to 25% from your payout due to the law changing in April 2013.

With us, you keep every penny of your payout!

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