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Why choose The Injury Lawyers?

get 110% compensation from the injury lawyersIf you’ve had an accident, it can be quite daunting deciding which company to use to pursue your claim. With people being bombarded with cold calls, texts, emails and most commonly, TV adverts, it’s difficult to tell which company is really the best value for money, and who is going to take the least deductions from your compensation if they win your case.

Here at The Injury Lawyers, we do things differently. We work on a No Win No Fee basis, meaning that if we didn’t win your case for you, then you wouldn’t have to pay us a penny. And even if we did win it for you, we can claim the costs from the other side so for most types of claims you still wouldn’t owe us anything.

Due to recent legal fee reforms from April 2013 brought into place by the Government, solicitors are no longer able to recover the success fee from the other side. Because of this, many firms are now taking this from people’s compensation instead. If you’ve done your homework and looked into how much other firms charge, then you’ll know that the trend appears to be a huge 25% cut from your compensation. Other deductions may include something called an After The Event (ATE) insurance premium which is to protect against costs if your case is lost. Unfortunately, since April, solicitors are no longer able to claim this back from the other side along with the success fee. At The Injury Lawyers, for most types of cases, we DO NOT charge you a success fee and we will self insure your case so we cover for the risk that insurance would cover you for, and you don’t pay a premium.

We believe this unique way of working sets us aside from other firms out there. Unlike many of the companies advertised on television, we are an actual law firm and not a claims management company like they are, who pass you around to third parties, which may lead to further charges.

In addition to all of this, in order to compensate you for the changes and offset brought into place in April 2013, it is now standard that you get an extra 10% on top of your compensation!

So with The Injury Lawyers you deal directly with us AND you get 110% compensation!

Give us a call today on 0800 634 75 75 to make a claim for your accident!

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