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Slipped on Water at an Entrance Claims

slipped on water claimsEntrances / exits to premises are commonly more susceptible to becoming a slipping hazard, especially when it’s wet outside. People walking in and out will leave trails of moisture behind them which can accumulate in to surface water that’s dangerous enough to becoming a slipping hazard.

Whilst you’d find it hard to sue the weather or Mother Nature for the water, you may be able to make a successful claim for personal injury compensation against the owners of the premises, or whoever is in control of the place.

The Law

If it’s a supermarket, shop, restaurant or bar for example, you could pursue a claim against them. The Occupiers Liability Act is an important piece of legislation that puts a duty on places like that to take all reasonable steps to prevent visitors to their premises becoming injured. So they ought to know that an entrance can become slippery in times of wet weather.

So what reasonable steps could they take?

  • Mats at the entrances to prevent the floor becoming slippery
  • Warning signs to warn people that the floor is slippery
  • Systems of inspection and cleaning to check the area and deploy signs, cordons, or clear away accumulated water

If they fail to take reasonable steps like those mentioned above, you may have a successful claim for personal injury compensation.

What should you do?

It’s good to report the incident to whoever is in control of the premises, and get some medical attention as soon as possible.

When it comes to making as claim for compensation, act quickly! Most places will have CCTV and this could be vital to prove not only your version of events but also to prove whether there indeed where reasonable steps taken at the time of your accident. Most places only keep footage for a matter of just a few weeks so you risk it being lost forever by delaying your claim!

We offer 100% compensation for most claims which includes slipping compensation claims. Other lawyers will want to take up to 25% from your payout due to recent legal fee reforms, so don’t get stung! Talk to us as quickly as you can!

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