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Cancer – Misdiagnosis and Delay Compensation Claims

Cancer is a disease that has likely affected every single person in the UK at some point. With cancer being such a common disease I know plenty of friends and family who have suffered from it over my lifetime. One day we’ll find a cure – but until that day comes, we rely on the NHS to diagnose and treat cancer to give victims the best chance at surviving longer or recovering entirely.

But when cancer is misdiagnosed and there are delays in diagnosing it, people suffer.

Our expert medical negligence layers have recovered millions of pounds in compensation for victims who have been let down by our health service. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not attacking our wonderful public health service system which generally serves people well. But when people are let down they have the right to access justice for what has happened.

When might you have a claim?

If you were misdiagnosed or there was a delay in diagnosing your cancer – or a combination of both – you have the right to make a claim for medical negligence compensation. The NHS have strict protocols when it comes to certain symptoms arising which should instantly trigger referrals for investigation, but sometimes this doesn’t happen; and it happens a lot in GP surgery’s where people have not been diagnosed in time.

We fight for your case and we use expert medical evidence from specially qualified consultants to prove that your cancer could, and should, have been diagnosed at a far earlier stage. Where we can prove this you have a claim for compensation.

What can you claim for?

It really does depend on the case because for some victims the delay or misdiagnosis means that the battle against fighting the cancer is just a matter of time. Generally speaking in claims the value is based on the principle of the more you suffer, the more we get for you – but when it comes to those awful words “it’s just a matter of time” we are faced with an entirely different scenario.

So we can claim for any suffering and long term affects and we can claim to help the victim’s dependents through the loss of their life if this is the outcome. It’s an awful thing to even think about, but our job as medical negligence lawyers is to help people as best as we can through the struggles that come with cancer.

As well as suffering we look at losses and expenses with lost earnings being the most prominent one.

Our Team are here for You!!!

We have specialist teams of lawyers who represent victims for serious and severe injury claims so we know how best to handle the case with the care our client needs. We’re not just a law firm – we are the support network who can offer the best legal advice and representation, access to the best private medical experts, and access to the best treatment providers and carers.

For advice, just call our claims helpline on 0800 634 7575 today.

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