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Scaffolding Collapse

This is anyone’s worst nightmare – being high up when the floor beneath you collapses. The injuries you can sustain from falling from a height, or hitting something as you fall from a low height, can be significant. Our bodies can endure a great deal of punishment, but there only so much twisting, turning, thudding, breaking, and bouncing our body parts can take.

We get a lot of these sorts of claims and they commonly relate to accidents at work. Employees are casually working on scaffolding when the floor decking collapses or breaks, causing you to fall. Equally, the structure of the scaffolding could break apart. It’s normally caused by one of two things: poor construction of the scaffolding, or poor maintenance of the scaffolding.

Whoever is responsible for the scaffolding – whether it’s your employers, or another company you are working with or for on some kind of site or project – must ensure that the scaffolding is erected correctly and is maintained efficiently to prevent such accidents occurring. Health and safety inspections and checking is an easy way to do this. Those responsible for putting up the scaffolding need to be properly trained and provided with the right equipment as well.

If you do have an accident due to falling scaffolding, make sure you contact us as soon as you can. We have particular experience in dealing with these claims, and we commonly find the injuries sustained are quite nasty – so private medical care is often a necessity, and that’s something we can organise as well. From broken bones to serious ligament and laceration injuries, we will make sure you get the compensation you deserve to reflect what you have had to go through.

As these accident commonly happen in a workplace scenario, a lot of our clients have manual jobs on such sites, and are therefore often impacted a great deal by being unable to work. Injuries like this are likely to stop you from being able to work at all, so we need to make sure we account for any lost earnings as quickly as possible and get you an interim payment (part payment before the claim has settled) so we can help you out financially.

At the same time, a lot of people are self employed, so proving how much you have lost in earnings can be trickier. There are ways we can do this with profit and loss information, so as long as your books are good, we can hopefully help you out in the shortest time possible.

The private medical care we offer will hopefully get you back on the road to recovery and back to work as soon as possible to minimise the impact of financial loss on you. We can arrange for funding of the treatment and then charge it to the other side.

There are many other ways our client have been injured by scaffolding – we often get protrusions injuring people, such as a scaffolding pole protruding out in to a walkway dangerously and injuring an innocent passerby, or falling objects from scaffolding hitting people and causing serious damage.

For advice as to whether you have a claim for compensation, call our free claims helpline on 0800 634 75 75 to speak with an expert about your options for making a claim.

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