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Why is My Insurance Claim Taking so Long?

For many reasons I imagine – but all generally revolving around one thing – legal expenses insurance (hereafter referred to as LEI)! For actual law firms like us, there is nothing more disheartening than when clients are taken in by this system and ultimately potentially deceived. LEI is a straight forward system but benefits usually only two groups of people – the insurers and solicitors!

Legal expenses insurance involves your insurers (like your car insurers) SELLING your details across to a solicitor who will then use a percentage of their costs to pay for your details in the first place. For example: a solicitor may pay your insurers £1,000.00 for your details which is then taken away from the amount of funds they have to run your case. The next question of course though is how does this make your claim go slower?

Less funds =  less phone calls, letters and less work being done on the case. Importantly – less fighting for the highest payout and therefore LESS compensation for you!

This affects the claim from the very beginning as the solicitors may not wish to contact you too often to chase for details of your claim to enable them to send the claim notification form. They may speak to you on the initial call but then leave it a good few weeks before you hear from them again (this is a common complaint I have heard). This means that your claim does not get started as soon as it could do as they basically don’t want to use all their already dwindled funds on ringing you too much.

Of course we all get busy and therefore are unable to speak sometimes, meaning we miss calls that we otherwise wouldn’t wish to. Here at The Injury Lawyers, as we don’t involve ourselves in this LEI system (and keep all our funds open to run your claim instead of wasting them on paying insurers) if we miss you once we won’t just give up for the next few weeks – we will contact you when your available and get all the information we need so we can get the claim going that same day.

Once they have got all the details, this does not necessarily mean things will speed up. The lack of phone calls will not just apply to you; it will apply to defendants and third parties too which means they will not be chasing for responses or any medical treatment which just prolongs the case for longer than necessary!

Here at The Injury Lawyers, we will chase third parties for responses as we have all the funds available to us to do so! So don’t take the slow tedious route which is also soon to become ILLEGAL (search LEI and you’ll see all you need to see!) contact us today for free no obligation advice.

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