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Chemical Burns Compensation Claims Advice

To be honest, the thought of a chemical burn is pretty frightening. If you have ever seen the film Fight Club, you might know what I mean. But when it happens to someone, and you are badly injured as a result, what can you do?

As with any situation, if the injuries or accident were caused through no fault of your own, but through the fault of someone else, you may be able to make a claim for personal injury compensation. With chemical burns, this is particularly important as the damage done, both superficially and internally, can be significant.

We have seen many instances of what chemical burns can do to people. We have seen the devastating effects it can have on a person’s life; and that’s why we are here to fight for justice for anyone injured through no fault of their own. There are naturally a lot of things to consider:


Naturally, scarring is a huge factor. The effect this has on a person psychologically is taken in to considerable consideration – especially if the area of scarring is rather prominent, like on the face or the arms. Whilst we can never take away what has happened, and what you might be left with, we can make sure that the payout reflects just how severe the scarring is. There is a lot of individual circumstance to look at as well; like most females are more concerned about scarring than males are (although that’s a general observation and not a rule. I for one think my leg scars from my operations are awesome! But a girl may not…).  There is also what type of work you do – to make a huge point here, a model would naturally be at a greater loss than someone working in a cheese factory (again as a general term)

We can get all this medically documented by appointing a plastic surgeon to provide a report about how the scar will change over the years, and perhaps a suitable psychologist or similar for the personal issues it can cause.

Internal Damage

With severe chemical burns, they may cause deep nerve damage or muscular damage if the burn goes beyond the skin. If this is the case, many face severe mobility problems in affected limbs and may need operations or months of physiotherapy to help correct any problems. Again, any disadvantage this puts you at on all levels – at work, socially, domestically, etc – will be factored when valuing a claim.

In all honesty it’s hard to gauge just how badly a chemical burn can affect you. As long as the injury was caused through negligence of someone else, like being injured at work because you were not given appropriate protective equipment, you can look to make a burn injury claim for compensation.

Call our free claims helpline on 0800 634 75 75 today for the advice you need about making a chemical burn compensation claim; we are here to help.

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