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Claims Against the Workplace

Whatever your profession, the place where you work is likely to contain various hazards that may cause you to suffer an injury. Of course if you work with machinery there are the fairly obvious dangers of moving parts to watch out for and if you work in a place where vehicles are common place then you will need to watch out for traffic. However, there are many unobvious hazards in a workplace that you could fall foul of and a question that we at The Injury Lawyers are often asked is; “Can I claim against my employer?”

The answer is that while you are at work your employers have a responsibility to keep you safe from hazards that it is within their power to prevent – for instance, they should provide guards to cover the moving parts of machinery and therefore reduce the risk of you injuring yourself. So if you are injured as the result of an accident at work then yes you could be entitled to claim against your employer.

However, that is not the end of the story and for most people contemplating a claim against their employer they will be worried about losing their job or suffering at work as a result. In actual fact, employers have responsibilities in this respect as well. All employers are required to hold insurance policies that cover their employees under the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969.

This means that in most cases your claim will not actually be met by your employer at all and will in fact be dealt with by their insurance company. As the employer has this insurance for the very purpose of covering claims made by their employees, in many cases the employees can find themselves in the situation where they are supported and encouraged by their employer in making a claim. For bigger and long established companies this is even more apparent as it is likely that they will have faced hundreds, if not thousands, of claims against them before; so they are well aware of the procedures and steps required of them in the personal injury claim process.

You may think this is all well and good but still be concerned that your boss will not take kindly to a letter of claim hitting their desk and fear that your job is at risk as a result. Well another reason not to worry is that there are laws in place that protect employees from being dismissed from work just for making a claim for compensation.

In any event if you have been injured as a result of an accident at work and are considering a claim against your employer then it would be wise to seek expert independent legal advice from The Injury Lawyers as to what you can claim and how we can help.

Hopefully now you will see that there is no need to worry about claiming for your personal injury so call The Injury Lawyers today for expert personal injury advice and information about how to claim for your accident at work.

Call our free claims helpline on 0800 634 75 75 today.

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