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Hospital to be Prosecuted over Mother’s Death

nhsIt seems that the tragedy of medical negligence has again hit the news, with BBC reporting of a Mother’s fatal heart attack after a drug was incorrectly administered.

According to BBC reports 30 year old theatre nurse Mayra Cabrera died of a heart attack shortly after giving birth to her son Zac in May 2004, after the drug Bupivacaine, which is supposed to be administered by epidural, was instead injected in to her arm by way of an intravenous drip. It is reported that fortunately baby Zac survived. (source).

The hospital in Swindon is now being prosecuted over alleged health and safety breaches and will be appearing at a magistrate’s court at a later date. An inquest in to the death has already concluded it as unlawful with the coroner making several recommendations including better labelling of drugs.

Numerous independent investigations in to the circumstances of the incident have reportedly led to improvements in the health and safety of the maternity services at the hospital. Unfortunately in this case, these improvements have come too late and at great cost.

Sky news has also covered the incident and have reported that the individuals involved, much to the disappointment of widower to the deceased, will not face prosecution. The hospital itself is to face prosecution. (source).

News like this can’t come at a worse time; the NHS has been criticised in the news a lot recently, and with winter setting in and continued fears over swine flu, now is not the time to be worried over our healthcare system.

The importance of health and safety and procedural adherence in hospitals cannot be stressed enough. Health workers undergo rigorous training to gain their employment, but it seems that still there are too many holes in the system. The issues do not necessarily lye with the individuals involved; the hospital trust in question has the overriding duty of care to ensure that its procedures and staff do not make such drastic mistakes.

Unfortunately this report is another example of the extreme consequences of negligence in the health care system, which has led to the untimely death of a young mother.

People who have been injured or who have suffered as a result of some form of medical negligence have the right to claim the compensation they are legally entitled to. Unfortunately claims of this nature can be very difficult to pursue; it is important to make sure you get the right representation and legal advice.

Seek advice from an independent expert personal injury solicitor to find out where you stand.

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