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GP Negligence Claims

medical negligence claimsAs Britons, we love to panic sometimes don’t we? We’re the type of society that rushes to our GP when we are feeling a little tense or under the weather. My understanding is that the NHS is encouraging people to make use of help lines and walk in centres. And let’s not even start on getting an appointment with your GP – if you’re lucky enough to get one before a full lunar cycle, you have a very well organised (or quiet) General Practitioner.

With the NHS in general being thin on the ground, it is a real concern that the standard of care that we would expect from our GP can fall. We get a lot of enquires for cases of misdiagnosis from GP’s or being prescribed the incorrect medication. Although we have had claims where it isn’t the GP who has provided the incorrect medication, it’s the pharmacist. Scary stuff… I recall I once went to my GP about a clicking in my back. I was asked to “Google back stretching exercises”. I was pretty angry to be honest.

But turning back to GP negligence claims, if you have been misdiagnosed, or your GP has failed to diagnose you, you may have a claim for compensation. A lot of these claims come down to whether there is appropriate evidence to show that the care provided was below standard (i.e. your medical records), and what you would expect from other professionals.

You don’t necessarily have a guaranteed claim if something goes wrong with your GP – in the field of medicine, there are certain things that aren’t always clear cut. Your GP may not be able to give you a diagnosis on the first visit, and you may need to try a few different medications before the problem can be determined. I remember when I was a youngster I had a rash on my forehead; we tried all sorts of hydrocortisone creams and even steroid creams before the doctor just prescribed antibiotics for a couple of months and the problem was cleared. They never did give me a clear answer as to what it was…

So when can you claim against your GP? What should you do?

If you feel that the standard of care provided by your GP has fallen below your expected standard, you could start with a complaint. This should hopefully iron out a few initial issues, and you should get a feel for what the GP thinks about your complaint. If they agree and uphold the complaint, this can help when making a claim for compensation. It isn’t necessarily an acceptance of fault, but it’s a good start. Normally before we commence a claim we like to make sure that a proper complaint has been made as this can really help us assess your claim. So if you’re serious about starting a case, make your complaint as soon as possible.

Next is if you have suffered as a result. We can only represent you for a claim for compensation if you have suffered as a result of the care provided. If for example you repeatedly went to your GP about a back problem and they failed to refer you to physiotherapy which has made the symptoms worse, you could have a claim. If you were prescribed the incorrect treatment and this has caused adverse effects, you may also have a claim.

If you have suffered as a result of negligence from your GP, get in touch with The Injury Lawyers about your options for making a claim for compensation.

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