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100% Compensation for Personal Injury Claims – We are STILL Offering it!

personal injury claims are changingWell, actually its 110% compensation for you! I’ll explain how that works:

April 2013 saw the biggest shake-up to the personal injury claiming world in its entire history. For a long time now we have been able to recover all of our legal fees directly from the other side, meaning you keep all 100% of your payout. Sadly the government in their infinite wisdom decided to change the rules…

The rule changes mean that we are no longer allowed to recover a success fee or ATE (After The Event) insurance premium as part of the fees from the opponent. The success fee is a fee that reflects the risk of the case, as we ultimately take on many claims on a No Win, No Fee and do not get paid as the other side can successfully defend them. The ATE is there to protect you from having to pay your own disbursements if you can’t recover them or your opponents costs.

So, because these are no longer recoverable from the other side, they must now be recovered from you; the innocent victim. The gist is:

  • The success fee and ATE premium cannot be recovered from the other side.
  • A cap has been imposed of 25% for charges to you as Claimants – the 25% charge must be inclusive of VAT and can only be from damages for personal injury and past financial losses and be net of DWP CRU deductions.. Most law firms will therefore offer you a 75% compensation agreement.
  • The level of compensation you can get has been increased by 10%, which is designed to help offset the charges imposed on you. This still isn’t fair though, as there is still a deficit!

From what we have learned, all other law firms (to our knowledge) have settled on charging the client 25% as per the government cap.

But we dare to be different!

We have decided to become the envy of all other law firms and still offer you 100% compensation. We will even put it in the paperwork that we will limit our fees to whatever is recovered from the other side; meaning we can’t charge you any shortfall that occurs.

But how do we do this?

We have spent years being the most efficient we can as a law firm dealing only with claims for personal injury. In fact, we’re so efficient at the way we work and how we work that we are willing to not charge you a success fee and pay for your ATE premium fee. So you will receive 100% compensation.

Actually, that’s not strictly true – you will kind of receive 110% compensation as you will keep every penny with no charges to you from us, and you will still get the extra 10% put in place that is designed to offset the cost of the success fee and ATE premium. How good is that!?

Give us a call now on 0800 634 75 75 for advice about how we can offer you a 100% compensation agreement. There are no catches or hidden charges – there’s nothing up front, and this isn’t some fancy worded agreement that still means you will be stung with fees. This is a genuine offer!

Other law firms will say we’re crazy. Most law firms don’t even believe it can be done. But we’re doing it – so take advantage now before more rule changes come in to place which are due at the end of this month for road accident claims.

This offer is subject to terms – so do speak with us about how it works!

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