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Dangerous Driving Risks

driving-mobile-phoneI have authored a couple of articles recently regarding drink driving and the devastating effects; something which is all the more evident during the festive season. So, here’s a little more on dangerous driving for you!

Mobile Phones

According to a BBC report (source) the figure for people using mobile phones behind the wheel of a vehicle has, interestingly and rather worryingly, increased since tougher penalties were imposed back in 2006. The figure comes from the Transport Research Laboratory which claims 2.6% of drivers used mobile phones whilst driving when the fine rose to £60 with the possibility of three points on the drivers licence in 2006, compared to the figure now which stands at 2.8%. OK, so nominally it’s a small increase; but it’s still an increase nonetheless…

Delving deeper in to the research, the TRL says drivers are four times more likely to be involved in an accident with “driver’s reaction times likely to be much slower”. This of course poses a heck of a danger on our roads, with the study in London involving more than 12,000 cars and 2,500 taxis. The authors of the research have stated that this figure is in no way a plausible reflection on a national scale.

So, what are the risks they found? Well, according to the research drivers using mobile phones are:

  •  Likely to have slower reaction times
  • More likely to drift across in to adjacent lanes
  • Less aware of what is going on around you
  • Less likely to check their mirrors

This all means that if you are driving and using your mobile phone: you are more likely to cause a car accident!

It is also argues that hands free kits do little to reduce the risk, as the drivers concentration is till not 100% on the road. Many have spoken out regarding the issue, declaring that drivers are not understanding the serious dangers they are risking not just to themselves but to other road users in using a mobile phone despite campaigns and tougher penalties. Legislation may require modification.

Drink Driving

Revisited for the third time this month! But given it’s the festive season and anti drink-driving campaigns are on the go, there is still more to talk about!

Did you know for example, according to the Mirror drinkers will be downing a whopping 600 million units of alcohol over the Christmas period? The equivalent of 265 million points of beer! (source). Just make sure you don’t get behind the wheel of a car after the office party of the meal with the in-laws!

According to more sources from The Mirror British men spend more than a year and a half of their lives in pubs! The survey also found we spend almost 9,500 hours in pubs, spending a more than £65,000 in a lifetime on drinks and food! (source). Just don’t drive after you’ve been to the weekly quiz at your local!

And I have already discussed the devastating effects drink driving can have, and you’d think the adverts, campaigns and punishments in place should be enough to prevent it! But according to another Mirror report, the worst drunk driver in the world has been spotted on CCTV!

The unnamed 36 year old man was sighted stumbling around, waving his arms in the air, leaning on the bonnet of his Nissan for support, urinating on the bonnet to relieve himself, and proceeding to collapse in to the driving seat as he turns on the engines and lights and pulls off, narrowly missing a nearby parked vehicle. Basically, the guy was quite clearly smashed! (source).

The man, weaving down the street, was so drunk he failed to notice the police tailing him with the blues flashing after they were alerted form the CCTV operators.  He was found to be more than twice over the legal limit and was fined accordingly and received a driving ban.

If you are not concentrating on the road, whether by using a mobile phone or being drunk, you are breaking the law, and you are liable for any accidents you may cause.

It’s simple, its fact, and it’s the law.

If you have been injured as a result of a negligent driver, speak to an independent expert personal injury lawyer today.

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