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Contact dermatitis claims for compensation

contact dermatitis claimsContact dermatitis is something that is often suffered by professionals, such as hairdressers, as with the nature of their job, they are required to use their hands all day every day, and are required to come into contact with strong substances such as hair dye and bleach. Therefore, although this blog may seem steered predominantly towards hairdressers, anyone that is required to have their hands in contact with a substance for a pro-longed amount of time may end up suffering with the injury.

So what is contact dermatitis?

Contact dermatitis is a type of eczema that can cause red, itchy and scaly skin, and sometimes burning and stinging. It can lead to your skin becoming blistered, dry and cracked. Of course not a particularly pleasant thing to be suffering from.

So can you make a personal injury claim?

To make a claim for personal injury we have to establish that someone is at fault and that fault has to have arisen from them being negligent. In most of these cases it will be an employer who may have failed to provide adequate protective equipment, failure to provide training or failed to assess whether a particular substance is particularly dangerous for employees to be working with.

One of the first things to do is to put your  employer on notice that you are starting to show the signs of this type of thing to enable them to be given the opportunity to put things right perhaps by providing the correct gloves or removing the irritant (after all several people may have complained about the same thing).

These can be incredibly difficult claims to prove as part of a personal injury claim is classed as “causation”. Therefore, if you work with irritants in another part of your life it may be hard to differentiate which one has caused the injury. However, here at The Injury Lawyers we have extensive experience in personal injury claims, after all it is all that we deal with- so we can guarantee you are in the best hands (no pun intended)!

If you wish to discuss your claim please do not hesitate to contact us either by phone or by web enquiry.

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