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100% Compensation Changes for Personal injury Claims

injury compensation lawyersApril 2013 saw the biggest shake up in the personal injury claiming world as the government changed the law to stop lawyers recovering all legal fees from the losing party. For years claimants have been able to recover all of their legal fees and keep all 100% of their payout, which is fair because why should the victims have to pay to claim?

Unfortunately our wonderful government decided to change the law and now lawyers are charging clients up to 25% of their compensation claim to cover the fees that are no longer recoverable from the other side.

But luckily for you, we have a solution that could save you thousands of pounds from your compensation payout. At The Injury Lawyers, we are still giving our clients the opportunity to keep all 100% of their compensation payout.

If you have been injured at work through no fault of your own, or injured yourself in a public place or whilst out on the high street, or in many other circumstances, we are genuinely offering a 100% compensation agreement for you.

We still recover legal fees from the other side, so it isn’t impossible to offer a 100% agreement. We are taking the hit instead of you. We can easily afford to take the hit because we take on a huge volume of cases and we win a lot of our cases as well.

We are a reputable firm of lawyers and right now countless claimants are taking advantage of our 100% compensation offer for their claims. This isn’t some clever marketing trick like a lot of firms are doing – with tag lines like “100% no win no fee” which does not mean 100% compensation.

So give us a call on 0800 634 75 75 and we can start your claim today, or get some paperwork out for you that does exactly what it says on the tin – confirms just how we can offer you a 100% compensation agreement.

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