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Burns at Work Injury Lawyers Advice

burns and scald claimsIf you are burned at work, you may be entitled to claim for personal injury compensation!

In general, unless you were blatantly at fault yourself, you could have good prospects for success. This is down to the fact there are loads and loads of workplace regulations that employers must abide by, and as long as we can prove one has been breached and has caused the injury, you can make a claim.

So let’s look at a few examples:

Exposed Heat

If there is an exposed pipe or some other piece of equipment or material that you are burned on, we could argue that there is a breach of the general health and safety rules on the grounds your employer has failed to take all reasonable steps to look out for your health and safety. There should be anything that can put you in this kind of danger.

Burns from Equipment

If a piece of equipment becomes faulty and burns you from being too hot, or perhaps from an electrical shock, or perhaps due to a part of the machinery being exposed, we can argue there is a breach of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998. If the equipment is defective or dangerous, your employer is at fault.

Personal Protective Equipment

If part of your role specifically entails handing hot materials, your employer must provide you with suitable protective equipment. If they fail to do so, or if the equipment isn’t good enough, you should have a good claim under the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992.

Again, the duty is on your employer to ensure equipment is provided and is suitable, as well as making sure you are trained in how to sue it correctly!

100% Compensation

For work accidents we can still offer 100% compensation even though other lawyers are taking up to 25% from your payout to cover fees. This is due to recent legal reforms that have restricted the recoverability of lawyer’s fees from the opponent.

Give us a call now on 0800 634 75 75 to discuss how we can be of assistance.

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